Board Director Application

Apply to be a member of the ORPIB Board of Directors

Board of Directors Expectations

Prompt Communication

We request that the Board Directors review their ORPIB email at least once every three days to ensure the needs of ORPIB are being met. 

Team Collaboration with other Board Members

There are often times when teams need to collaborate to reach a common goal for ORPIB. Transparency about your availability and willingness to engage in a collaborative effort are key. Once communicated we request that you follow through and support your team members in executing the initiative at hand. 

Organizational Governance

Board members are responsible for setting policy and approving annual budgets to govern the organization. They are also responsible for setting the mission and vision of the organization. 

Time Commitment

The Board of Directors is expected to spend approximately 8-12 hours a month engaging in their Board responsibilities. This includes, but is not limited to, Board of Directors meeting attendance, member and volunteer recruitment, networking and relationship building, and other duties for which you’ve volunteered. This is considered a baseline and you are permitted to devote as much time to ORPIB as you are willing and able.

Remain in Good Standing

To remain in “good standing” as a member of the Board of Directors, as per the bylaws, you are expected to adhere to the bylaws, all OPRIB policies and have no disciplinary action in place. 

Meeting Engagement

The Board Secretary will send out the meeting agenda and all supporting documents one week prior to the next Board of Directors meetings so that each Board Director can ratify their accuracy. Board meeting attendance is mandatory unless excused. 

Networking and Recruiting

The Board of Directors is expected to establish, nurture, and maintain relationships with our members, prospective members, and partner and community organizations. This helps ORPIB increase our membership, partners and sponsors to ensure we are a growing and thriving organization. 

Qualifications & skill requirements

Excellent listening and communication skills

Strategic thinking and planning skills

Excellent organizational and leadership skills

Knowledge of, and experience, working with the LGBTQ+ community 

Highest regards to morals and ethics pertaining to fundraising organizational stewardship

Qualities & characteristics

Commitment to our values: Committed, courageous, and connective

Understanding of community needs

Commitment to ORPIB’s mission

Willingness to commit time for board meetings, committee meetings, planning sessions, and special events

Enjoys group work and collaboration

Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion

If you are chosen to serve on the Board od Directors, your membership fees will be waived during your service. 

Apply here

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